Saturday, February 4, 2012

Under Re-Construction

So, you've probably stumbled onto this blog and are wondering..."what the..?" Sorry about having nothing to read. Doesn't seem like an Overachieving Mom lives here does it?

I've been so busy overachieving that I neglected this blog for too long. But, I'm back and I hope to share lots of wonderful tips, ideas and recipes with you...the overachieving mom. I've been doing a lot of DIY things around the house, mostly cleaning products. Wow...they work as well as the store-bought equivilant but cost a fraction of the price. I also have some terrific new recipes that are good for you, good for the kids palates and good for the pocket book.

So, come back soon and see what's new! For now...I'm going to check out my new favorite time-waster...Pinterest. If you haven't heard of's a virtual bulletin board...a place to keep all those favorite online recipes, clothes, people, name it! It is by invite only so if you need one..just leave me a comment. I should warn you, however, it is very addicting!

Until next time...ttfn!

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